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We Sherpas
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Welcome to WE SHERPAS

༈ ཐབས་མཁས་ཐུགས་རྗེ་ཤཱཀྱའི་རིགས་སུ་འཁྲུངས།།
གཞན་གྱིས་མི་ཐུབ་བདུད་ཀྱི་དཔུང་འཇོམས་པ། །
གསེར་གྱི་ལྷུན་པོ་ལྟ་བུར་བརྗིད་པའི་སྐུ། །


thap-khe thuk-je shya-kyai rig-su thung. shen-ki mi-thub dud-ki pung-jom pa. ser-ki lhun-po ta-bur jit-pi ku. shya-kyai gyal-po khyot-la chhyag-chhal lo.

Being skilled in method and compassion, you took birth among the Shakya clan, and being undefeatable, you subdued the forces of devils. Your body is magnificent, like a mountain of gold. I bow to you, the King of the Shakyas.

Sherpa Dictionary

Completely implement via highly efficient process improvements. engage high value before progressive data.

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Conversation Sherpa

Completely implement via highly efficient process improvements. engage high value before progressive data.

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Sherpa Publications

Completely implement via highly efficient process improvements. engage high value before progressive data.

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About Us

The webpage ‘We Sherpa’ has been prepared in the master plan of my elder brother Ngima Dendi. We are confident that this website will be fruitful to all the people who are interested in religion, language, script, culture, tradition and customs and the development and social change of the Sherpa community, including Students, Professors, and researchers. We are hopeful that it will be beneficial to researchers and scholars area and consultancy service. This website is mainly focused on the concept, principles, sample, explanation and interpretation of the experience and practice of Sherpa people. There may be numerous mistakes on this website due to internal and external factors. We hope our readers will suggest further improvements. It may be difficult to find all the matters one wishes to find. We promise to improve in this aspect in the next publication.

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Our senior message

Message from team

Message from Founder

This website is the sad outcome when my own wife, son and daughter left to speak Sherpa language. Then I hypothesized this website. It is good to understand, know, speak and expertise in other’s language but it is never good doing that forgetting one's own language.

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Director's Say

‘We Sherpas’ is such a website where you can get any information regarding Sherpa for example, you can get information of history of Sherpa, their religion, their relatives, language, script, tradition and culture, customs, eating habits, and matter of daily life.

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The History of Sherpa

History is a recorded document of oral narration of old people, religious records, commentaries, and contemporary research. The history of the origin of the world and humans can’t be written due to the length of the world. But we need to understand that this world is not the creation of a lord and god. Rather, it is the outcome of our actions. It means that it is not self-created or a providence of god.

Therefore, to promote and extend the history, language and script of Sherpa and other castes of the world, we need to labour on certain matters regularly. Religion has a greater role in not destroying the history, language, script, culture and tradition of all castes.

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