Common Words or Expressions

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Excuse me
कृपया सुन्नोस् त ।
sending / thuk jye jik.
सेन्दङ् / थुक्ज्ये जीक्
Yes, OK.
हजुर / हुन्छ / हो ।
lase la / giu la / yin la
लसे ला / गीउ ला / यीन ला ।
होइन / नाई / हुन्न
min / ohsi / menggu
मिन / ओशी / मेङ्गु
भयो / पुग्यो
gnaw / lang sung.
ग्यवा / लङ्सुङ
साच्चि नै ।
uthung yin.
उथुङ् यीन
धन्यवाद ।
thukjye chhe
थुक्ज्ये क्षे ।
Thank you.
यहालाई धन्यवाद ।
khyorang la thukjye chhe.
ख्योरङ ला थुक्ज्ये क्षे ।
Thanks a lot.
धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद ।
ude thukjye chhesung.
उदे थुक्ज्ये क्षेसुङ् ।
You’re welcome.
धन्यवाद ।
lase la lase.
लसे ला लसे ।
Yes uncle / auntie / brother / sister
हजुर मामा / मैज्यु / दाइ / दिदी
lase au / uru / ajyang / chyu chyu / aai
लासे अउ / उरु / च्यु च्यु / आइ
I’m sorry.
माफ गर्नोस ।
gongpa ma tshung / tholo shyak
गोङ्पा माछुङ / थोलो श्यक ।
No matter / Never mind.
केही छैन । चित्त दुखेको छैन
khang machung (khang mikiu) / semna mea
खाङ् माच्युंग (खाङ् मीक्यीउ) / सेम्न म्य
बधाई छ ।
tashi felnok / fo gyamnok / lemu chyungnok
टशी फेल्नोक / फो ग्यम्नोक / लेमु च्युङ्नोक
I love you.
म तिमीलाई मन पर्छु / म तपाईंलाई प्रेम गर्छु
nga khyorla ga longe nok / khyorong semla gal / nga khyorla nyingjye langinok
ङ ख्योर्ला गा लोङ्गु नोक् / ख्योरोङ सेम्ला गाल / ङ ख्योर्ला न्ग्यिन्ग्ज्ये क्यिउ
How much?
कति हो ?
cho yin?
चो यीन ?
Six rupees fifty paisa.
छ रुपैया पचास पैसा ।
shyika tuk tang tanggai .
श्यीका टुक्ताङ टाङगाई ।
राम्रो ।
लेमु ।
What time is it?
कति बज्यो
chhu tsho cho gal?
क्षुछो चो गाल ?
It’s ten
दश बज्यो ।
chhu tso chyupa .
क्षुछो च्युपा ।
What date is it today?
आज कती तरिक हो ?
aring tshewa cho yin?
अरिङ् छेवा चो यिन ?
It’s 22nd November
आज नोवेम्बर २२ तरिक हो ।
aring chyida chyu chyikpi chhe nyerngi yin.
अरिङ् च्यिद च्युच्यिक्पी छे ङेर्ङी यिन । आज नोवेम्बर २२ तरिक हो ।
What day is today?
आज के बार हो ?
aring dzha khang yin?
अरिङ् झ खङ यिन ?
Today is Wednesday.
आज बुधबार हो ।
aring dzha lakpha yin.
अरिङ् झ ल्हक्प यिन ।
Can you speak English ?
तपाई अग्रेजी बोल्नु हुन्छ ?
khyore injyi tamnye shye kiu?
ख्योरे इन्ज्यी तम्ङे शेयेकीउ ?
Do you speak English Language?
तपाईंले ईंग्लिश बोल्नु हुन्छ ?
khyore injyi tamnye lop shekiu ?
ख्योरे मिक्कर्वी तम्ङे लोप शेक्यिउ ?

Pilgrimage Tours

March 18, 2024

Sri Lanka Buddhist Trail Experience

Sri Lanka Buddhist Trail Experience like never Before 14 Nights and 15 Days Sri Lanka is a resilient Nation that follows Buddhist Philosophy. You will witness the Footprints of Lord Buddha, the Culture and Exotism of the […]

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March 4, 2024

Trilokinath Temple Tour

Sri Trilokinath Temple, Garsha Phakpa གར་ཞ་འཕགས་པ in Tibetan, is located in the Lahaul and Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh, India. This sacred and scenic spot is at Trilokinath village, 6 km south of the left bank […]

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February 7, 2024

Kshumik Chyangkshup (Daman)

KshumikChyangkshup (Risheshwar)ཆུ་མིག་བྱང་ཆུབ་,a holy shrine of Guru Padmasambhavais located between Daman and Simbhanjyang in Makwanpur district. This pilgrimage site is considered very important for Buddhist pilgrims. Guru Padmasambhava

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February 7, 2024

Lhasa and Mount Kailash Tour

Our journey to Tibet's Capital, Lhasa, and Mount Kailash (Kang Rinpoche) begins with a direct flight from Nepal's capital, Kathmandu, to Lhasa. We will visit the main holy places of Lhasa, such as Jokhang Temple, Potala Palace, Norbu Linka and Warkhor, Depung

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February 7, 2024

Takmo Lu Jyin (Namo Buddha)

Namo Buddha is a famous Buddhist pilgrimage site near Panauti in the Kavrepalanchok district. It is believed by Buddhists to be one of the three most sacred Stupas, the Boudhanath, Swayambhunath and Namo Buddha. Namo Buddha, […]

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February 7, 2024

Halesi Maratika Tour

Introduction Halesi means admirable (hallau) in Sherpa and Tibetan languages, and Maratika means vanquishing the maras (End of Death or Mara Rakshasa removed). Hence, Halesi-Maratika means “glorious victory over the Death”. Halesi-Maratika Caves are located near […]

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February 7, 2024

Chho Pema or Revalsar

Introduction Chho Pema or Rewalsar Lake, In Tibetan/Sherpa known as Cho Pema (Chho-Lake, Pema-lotus flower), is a mid-altitude lake located in the hills of Mandi district in Himachal Pradesh, India. Located 22.5 km south-west of Mandi […]

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September 8, 2022

On the Path of the Buddha Pilgrimage Program

In the Mahaparinirvana Sutra, the Buddha himself told his countless followers that they could attain virtue and excellent rebirth by making pilgrimages to Lumbini, where he was born, Bodh Gaya, where ...

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